
Bethany Stahl

As an author, herbalist, green living enthusiast, and certified aromatherapist, Bethany loves bringing new deals, recipes, how-to guides and favorite environmentally friendly products to you.

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I couldn’t paint for years. Now, my art is in a gallery.

For two years, I couldn't stand looking at a canvas. It was heartbreaking because I wanted desperately to paint. Slowly, I tried, but nothing but muddy blurs and ugly lines came from my hands that...

Oysters are saving New York Harbor.

122 million oysters have been successfully deployed into the New York Harbor across 19 acres. These oysters will grow into vital reef structures that filter water, stabilize shorelines, and provide...

Are Coffee Grounds Worth Saving?

Coffee grounds contain nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, which benefit soil health. However, millions of tons of coffee grounds are still discarded every year, which leads to landfills that produce...

From Cranberry Bogs to Thriving Wetlands

Land restoration will revitalize the old wetlands. This innovative approach addresses environmental challenges and community needs, transforming abandoned or underperforming cranberry farms into...

Is the dual chamber composting tumbler worth it?​

The FCMP dual-chamber composter is made of 100% post-consumer recycled BPA-free, UV-inhibited black resin. It is designed to absorb heat to promote increased material breakdown and withstand harsh...

The discovery of a new wood may be the secret to carbon storage.

A discovery may change our understanding of carbon absorption in trees. Scientists have named this new wood “midwood” as its...

Dams were removed. Here’s what happened.

The Klamath River Basin is undergoing a transformative ecological revival by removing four major dams along the Klamath River, that...

Medicinal Gardening: Fall Plant Haul

Sourcing herbs from a reliable resource has been difficult but I've happened upon the Growers Exchange and have fallen in love with the variety of options!...

Do wildlife highways actually work?

Wildlife crossings are overpasses and underpasses that have emerged as essential infrastructure for conserving biodiversity and ensuring road safety...